• The Easiest Way to Eat ALL the Veggies You Need Every Day...
• U.S. doctors steeped in financial ties - drug money from Big Pharma: Pharmaceutical firms in the United States are shelling out massive funds for doctors travel and entertainment expenses in hopes of boosting sales of new drugs. More than 160,000 doctors have received related payments in 2011 already.
• Eat This to Reduce Muscle Soreness after Exercise: The foods with the highest amount of useful dietary dipeptides like carnosine would be animal proteins, like eggs, whey protein, poultry and beef.
• Vaccination Causes 'Mental Retardation'? Fact-Checking Michele Bachmann's Claim: Monday night's Republican primary debate saw candidate Michele Bachmann on the attack — especially against Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Bachmann slammed Perry for signing an executive order in 2007 requiring all sixth-grade girls to get vaccinated against HPV, the virus that is the leading cause of cervical cancer.
• Watercress: A garnishing green that provides bountiful health benefits: If watercress is served as a garnishment In a restaurant, don't throw it out. Eat it with the food served. It will help you digest your meal and provide many more health benefits than most know about. As a matter of fact, you'd be wise to mix it in salads or juice it with other veggies often.
• Yeast extract is hidden source of MSG in your food: Here's where its found: crafty food processing firms have found ways to disguise MSG's most active ingredient -- free glutamate. There are several ingredients and names used. And they all contain some free glutamate. Free glutamate is the active ingredient of mono-sodium glutamate, or MSG.
• Ginger is an amazing wide spectrum tonic and remedy: Ginger root is more than a zesty culinary spice. It's both a general tonic and specific medicinal herb. Ginger is actually the rhizome or horizontal "creeping root" of the Zingiber officinale plant, which belongs to the same family as turmeric and cardamom. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine has used ginger for centuries. Now mainstream medicine uses various ginger extracts for major health problems.