I read an article today on NaturalNews.com that really got my attention.
Between now and 2030, the aggregate global cost of treating the five most common, non-infectious diseases -- cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and mental health disorders -- will top $47 trillion, according to a new report released by the World Economic Forum (WEF). And experts warn that if nothing is done to curb this escalating healthcare crisis, the global economy will most certainly collapse due to insurmountable financial insolvency.
To put this astronomical $47 trillion figure into perspective, consider the fact that the current US national debt is just under $15 trillion -- this means that at the current rate of growth, global healthcare costs associated with treating just these five diseases will exceed the US national debt by more than 300 percent in less than 20 years. Read the rest of the article here.
This information is shocking, to say the least, but is also goes to show that regardless of the latest health-related technology and new drugs to hit the market, overall health is declining at an alarming rate. Perhaps what I find most interesting is that the very things that prevent illness are right in front of us. We are surrounded by ways to get purified water, organic, healthy and unprocessed foods, grow our own food, by locally, and avoid toxic chemicals. And, yet, a lot of times, we choose the opposite of these things because they are either less expensive or because they are instantly gratifying (like sugar, for example).
The problem is that making non-healthy choices every once and while may not hurt you, but a lifetime of these choices is bound to catch up with you, filling you with toxins little by little until one day you get sick and can't figure out why.
We have an opportunity to make a difference in the figures mentioned in the article above. The healthcare crisis does not have to continue to escalate—but we have to choose to want good health that stems from excellent nutrition, exercise, detoxification, and major stress reduction!
Look for small ways to make changes in your lifestyle to live healthier and help to make a difference in the escalating costs of healthcare. Covenant Natural Health Care can help you with nutrition, detoxification, and major stress reduction if you want to start changing your health for the better today! Restoring and maintaining your health is just a phone call away.
Call 859.653.4923 and speak with Sandi to schedule an appointment with one of our Nutrition Response TestingTM practitioners.