• What You Don't Know About Flavor Enhancers Can Harm You: Senomyx is a high tech research and development business that is "dedicated to finding new flavors to reduce sugars and reduce salt." But their focus is not on whole, organic fruits and vegetables, or grass-pastured meats, dairy and eggs. Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using "proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems."
That's a testing system that provides scientists with biochemical responses and electronic readouts when a flavor ingredient interacts with their patented receptor, letting researchers know whether or not their flavor enhancer is effective. The receptors are made from HEK293 -- HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney cells, with 293 denoting that the HEK was from the 293rd experiment. HEK293 originally came from a healthy, electively aborted baby whose cells were then harvested and cloned.
• Proven dangerous, silicone breast implants stay on market; FDA rules: Critics of the implants still expressed concerns about the low participation in follow-up studies on their potential to cause long-term health problems. Studies from two manufacturers, Allergan and Mentor, involved about 61 percent and 21 percent of patients respectively, the Wall Street Journal reported. The FDA said it would work with the companies, both divisions of Johnson & Johnson, to get more women to take part in mandated post-approval studies.
• Another Reason to Ignore the Warnings About This Super Food: The idea that eggs, as a source of saturated fats, are unhealthy and promote heart disease is a complete myth. While it's true that fats from animal sources contain cholesterol, this is not necessarily something that will harm you. On the contrary, the evidence clearly shows that eggs are one of the most healthful foods you can eat, and can actually help prevent disease, including heart disease.
• The Benefits of Exercise Add Up: Over Time, a Little Goes a Long Way: Increasingly, evidence suggests that even moderate amounts of exercise can lead to measurable health benefits. But while you don't have to be a marathoner to be healthy, it helps if you exercise consistently and stay active over a lifetime, according to a new British study.
• Five nutrients most men are deficient in: In fact, studies show that 77 percent of men don't take in enough magnesium, that many of us are deficient in vitamin D, and that the vitamin B12 in our diets may be undermined by a common heartburn medication. And we haven't even mentioned our problems with potassium and iodine.
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