Please call today to reserve your seat(s) at 859.653.4923. We hope to see you and those you care about there!
Please call today to reserve your seat(s) at 859.653.4923. We hope to see you and those you care about there!
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• The Price-Pottenger Story: Dental caries and deformed dental arches resulting in crowded, crooked teeth and unattractive appearance were merely a sign of physical degeneration, resulting from what he had suspected-nutritional deficiencies.
• I Strongly Recommend Avoiding These 7 Foods: Food Matters asked seven experts a simple question: “What foods do you avoid?” Here are some of their eye-opening responses.
• CDC admits flu vaccines don't work (which is why you need a new one every year):
The vaccine industry false tries to claim its vaccines work exactly the same way: They cause the body to produce antibodies against a certain viral strain. But there's something you're not being told about vaccines: They don't really produce the same quality and strength of antibodies that your own body would produce from a natural infection and recovery. That's why the vaccines "wear off" and leave you with zero protection from the very strains they inoculate you against.
• Terminal Cancer Patient Blogs His Own Death from Chemo and Radiation Hell : Derek K. Miller, a Canadian man who blogged about his battle with cancer, has died -- but not without leaving a final post-mortem message on his website, penmachine.
The post began, "Here it is. I'm dead," and went on to say, "In advance, I asked that once my body finally shut down from the punishments of my cancer, then my family and friends publish this prepared message I wrote -- the first part of the process of turning this from an active website to an archive."
• Fraudulent organics from China spell safety hazards for U.S. consumers: Three years ago, Chinese baby formula tainted with Melamine caused the death of six infants and over 300,000 serious injuries. After initially suppressing the information, the Chinese government made a grand gesture of eradicating the problem. The company was shut down. Some executives were even put to death. The epidemic, however, was not.
• Does being exposed to too much estrogen lead to high blood pressure?: Contrary to widely-held belief, sustained high levels of estrogen in women via hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is not necessarily a good thing, as the hormone can create excess amounts of superoxide compound in the brain. According to new research out of Michigan State University (MSU), buildup of superoxide leads to blockages in the areas of the brain that regulate blood pressure, which has led researchers to conclude that estrogen may be directly responsible for high blood pressure and resultant heart disease.
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Posted at 04:00 AM in Cancer, Chemo/Radiation, Health Topics in the News, Hormones, Movies/Documentaries, Vaccinations | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Both my husband and I have been seeing Dr. Blanchard for over and year and a half and there are three really important lessons I've learned on our journey:
1. Every day people choose to eat foods loaded with pesticides, processed sugars and preservatives, clean with harsh chemicals, bathe themselves in toxins found in shampoos and soap, and coat their skin with toxic creams, lotions, and makeup, they choose to slowly poison themselves.
2. Slow poisoning of the body is not, in most cases, immediately noticeable. It may take months or years, maybe decades for everything to accumulate enough to cause major health issues. But note, that there are subtle signs of health issues accumulating through the appearance of skin, hair, and the body not working properly (for example: no menstrual cycle, severe acne or other skin problems, headaches, acid reflux, bloating, weight gain, rapid heart beat, etc ...). When the body is not working like it was created to, it lets you know.
3. Undoing 30 (or even 10, 20, 40, ...) years of what I mentioned in point number one is not easy and it takes a long time. If I would've known the long-term effects of all that stuff, I would have taken better care of myself. I am really grateful, though, for Nutrition Response Testing because it gives me the chance to undo what I've done and have a fresh, clean start. And I'm hoping the next 50 years, with all that I know about nutrition and health, that they will be healthy and full of life.
It's the reason I blog—to educate people and give people an opportunity to take back their health. If we, CNHC, can help you add some life and good health to your years through Nutrition Response Testing, and you're in the Tri-State area (Indiana, Cincinnati, Kentucky), call and schedule a consultation today. We would love to help you get started on your journey to good health!
Posted at 04:00 AM in Client Testimonials, Hormones, Nutrition, Nutrition Response Testing, Obesity, Sugar, Toxic Packaging, Toxins in Our Food | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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• Destroy Urinary Tract Infections Without Antibiotics or Cranberry Juice: But there is a great discovery that has come from the cranberry juice-urinary tract connection. The active ingredient in cranberry juice responsible for its benefit to your urinary system has been identified and isolated—and that is D-mannose.
• Crafty Food Labeling Tricks the Industry Hopes You NEVER Learn...: "When it comes to processed foods, if it says it's natural, ignore the claim," says Organic Lifestyle Magazine. "It means nothing. If it says it's organic, it doesn't have to be 100 percent organic unless it says it is. Remember processed foods can be labeled organic if only 80 percent of the ingredients are organic. And organic junk food is still junk food."
• Drug injection delays puberty: Children with supposed "Gender Identity Disorder" (GID), a rare condition involving sexual confusion, that are having a hard time deciding whether they want to be male or female can now choose to artificially delay puberty while they figure it out. A recent report in The Telegraph explains that a monthly drug injection will prevent sexual development in children to give them more time to make up their minds about having a sex change -- and kids as young as 12 are eligible to receive it.
• The Cancer Treatment So Successful - Traditional Doctors SHUT it Down: Alternative cancer treatments are a kind of "forbidden area" in medicine, but Dr. Gonzalez chose to go that route anyway, and has some remarkable success stories to show for his pioneering work.
• Pediatricians seek better regulation of toxins: The U.S. needs to do a better job protecting children and pregnant women from toxic chemicals, says a policy statement out today from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
• Important Information on the Biological Effects of Cell Phones and Wireless Technologies: You may not be hearing about the health risks of EMFs on the morning news, or if you do you may hear stories spreading confusion and doubt about the risks in support of commercial interests, but there is no shortage of research showing that they deserve some very real attention.
• FDA Warns - Do NOT Use This Pain Reliever... You Cod Turn Blue and Die: Benzocaine is a local anesthetic commonly used as a topical pain reliever. You can also find it in cough drops, throat sprays, and gels or liquids used for teething and canker sores (cold sores).
Posted at 04:00 AM in Antibiotics, Cancer, Health Topics in the News, Healthy Pregnancy, Hormones, Pharmaceuticals, Raising Healthy Kids, Toxins in Our Food | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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This week's Health News Roundup is jam-packed with great info!
Celebrity-branded perfumes loaded with toxic petrochemicals: Researchers uncovered 40 different chemicals in the perfume samples, in addition to the 51 listed on product labels. Of the 40 ingredients found, only two were listed on the label of every product containing them; the other 38 were unlisted on at least one of the 17 labels.
Each product contained roughly equal numbers of listed and unlisted chemicals, averaging 14 secret chemicals per product. Products including more than the average number included Britney Spears Curious (17), Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio (17), Chanel Coco (18) and American Eagle Seventy Seven (24).
The average perfume contained 10 known allergens that can trigger reactions from asthma to headaches to contact dermatitis. Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio contained the most known allergens, at 19.
Even more seriously, researchers uncovered 10 chemicals known to disrupt the hormonal (endocrine) system, with each perfume containing an average of four. The perfumes Halle by Halle Berry, Quicksilver and Jennifer Lopez J. Lo Glow all contained seven different endocrine disruptors -- six estrogen mimics and a thyroid disruptor.
Congress Approves Child Nutrition Bill: Congress gave final approval on Thursday to a child nutrition bill that expands the school lunch program and sets new standards to improve the quality of school meals, with more fruits and vegetables.
Finally, Proof that Cancer is a Man-Made Disease: A study of ancient bodies has determined that cancer is a man-made disease, one fueled by the excesses. Tumors turn out to be extremely rare until very recent times, when pollution and poor diet became issues.
Researchers analyzed potential references to the disease in classical literature, and also searched for signs in the fossil record and in mummified bodies. But despite examining tissue from hundreds of Egyptian mummies, they confirmed only one case of cancer
Surgeons receive millions from Big Pharma to promote medical devices in journals: Medical professionals commonly write articles for popular medical journals that endorse specific drugs or medical devices. But a new study has found that most fail to disclose the fact that they are receiving direct compensation from Big Pharma for such endorsements, which is often to the tune of millions of dollars.
The Amazing Anti-Aging Discovery Experts Say Deserves the Nobel Prize... : You may be able to extend your life and stay fit throughout your old age with a simple change of diet that switches on your "youth" gene.
Professor who lost weight on Twinkies only proves that even nutrition educators can be Ding Dongs: The nutrition professor who lost 27 pounds was simply on a calorie restriction diet (a partial fast, if you will) that included a slew of processed junk food. Did he discover some miracle junk food diet? Nope. He just controlled his calories while poisoning himself with junk food chemicals and artificially modified food ingredients.
Eating This "Healthy" Food? It Could be Slowly and Silently Killing You: The Weston A. Price Foundation has compiled a list of soy dangers and myths to get the truth out once and for all.
Special Report: A day without genetically altered orange juice: We live in a "world of nasty bacteria now," says Calvin Arnold, a scientist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. An insect-borne bacterial disease that is ravaging Florida's citrus crop means the juice squeezed from the Sunshine State's fruit may soon come from trees that have had their genetic makeup modified.
Commonly used antidepressants may raise heart disease risk: Old style anti-depressant drugs were linked with a 35 per cent increased risk of cardiovascular disease, the study found.
Largest U.S. Egg Producer Caught Abusing Chickens on Video: "At one point the video shows a dead bird as eggs roll by just inches away on a conveyor belt." Just another good reason to support our local farmers!
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Posted at 04:00 AM in Cancer, Farmer's Market, GMO, Health Topics in the News, Heart Health, Hormones, Nutrition, Obesity, Pharmaceuticals, Thyroid | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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