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Find Covenant Natural Health Care on Facebook for daily tips, health news articles, and events that will help you live a healthier lifestyle!
Posted at 06:54 AM in Vaccinations | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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• The Easiest Way to Eat ALL the Veggies You Need Every Day...
• U.S. doctors steeped in financial ties - drug money from Big Pharma: Pharmaceutical firms in the United States are shelling out massive funds for doctors travel and entertainment expenses in hopes of boosting sales of new drugs. More than 160,000 doctors have received related payments in 2011 already.
• Eat This to Reduce Muscle Soreness after Exercise: The foods with the highest amount of useful dietary dipeptides like carnosine would be animal proteins, like eggs, whey protein, poultry and beef.
• Vaccination Causes 'Mental Retardation'? Fact-Checking Michele Bachmann's Claim: Monday night's Republican primary debate saw candidate Michele Bachmann on the attack — especially against Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Bachmann slammed Perry for signing an executive order in 2007 requiring all sixth-grade girls to get vaccinated against HPV, the virus that is the leading cause of cervical cancer.
• Watercress: A garnishing green that provides bountiful health benefits: If watercress is served as a garnishment In a restaurant, don't throw it out. Eat it with the food served. It will help you digest your meal and provide many more health benefits than most know about. As a matter of fact, you'd be wise to mix it in salads or juice it with other veggies often.
• Yeast extract is hidden source of MSG in your food: Here's where its found: crafty food processing firms have found ways to disguise MSG's most active ingredient -- free glutamate. There are several ingredients and names used. And they all contain some free glutamate. Free glutamate is the active ingredient of mono-sodium glutamate, or MSG.
• Ginger is an amazing wide spectrum tonic and remedy: Ginger root is more than a zesty culinary spice. It's both a general tonic and specific medicinal herb. Ginger is actually the rhizome or horizontal "creeping root" of the Zingiber officinale plant, which belongs to the same family as turmeric and cardamom. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine has used ginger for centuries. Now mainstream medicine uses various ginger extracts for major health problems.
Posted at 04:00 AM in MSG, Pharmaceuticals, Toxins in Our Food, Vaccinations | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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It's hard to imagine that the freedom to make your own health care decisions for your family is coming to an end in some cities and states.
Following the State of Maryland's threats against parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated, children were herded into a Price George County courthouse being guarded by armed personnel with attack dogs. Inside, the children were forcibly vaccinated, many against their will, under orders from the State Attorney General, various State Judges and the local School Board Director, all of whom illegally conspired to threaten parents with imprisonment if they did not submit their children to vaccinations.
The State of Maryland has now turned to Gestapo tactics to force its medical will upon the People, stripping parents of any right to decide how they wish to protect their own children from infectious disease. Health authorities there have already announced their intent to essentially kidnap parents and throw them in jail, removing them from their children for up to thirty days if they continue to refuse to have their children vaccinated. This will all be conducted at gunpoint, with armed personnel and attack dogs at the ready, making sure nobody steps out of line, and suppressing any attempt at public dissent against the Orwellian vaccination policies.
Read the full article.
It's so important to stayed informed on what is happening in states such as Maryland. Equally as important as staying on top of news like this is helping to educate those who are not informed about natural health care and its benefits and the potential dangers of allowing state takeover of what should be our own personal decision.
Covenant Natural Health Care strives to educate the community on ways to stay healthy naturally. Call our office at 859-653-4932 to find out about the next FREE workshop that we hold monthly.
Posted at 04:00 AM in Pharmaceuticals, Raising Healthy Kids, Vaccinations | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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• These Five Foods May Cause Problems VERY Similar to Wheat...: Potato, Tomato, Barley, Rye, Rice. Find out why!
• Worse than Cigarettes? The Silent Enemy Harming Your Health Today...
• Food freedom alert: Bureaucrats in Michigan threaten woman with jail time for planting vegetable garden in her own yard
• One of the Most Inexcusable Vaccine Revelations of All...: One element brought to light that has managed to stay well below the radar is the use of aborted embryonic cells in vaccine production.
• Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil, soybean oil used as key ingredients in pesticide products:
In a shocking new video, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) reveals that common cooking oils such as canola oil and soybean oil are used as key active ingredients in pesticide products because they work so effectively to kill bugs. The video shows how one pesticide product that kills insects is made with 96% canola oil and is so dangerous that the label says, "Hazards to humans and domestic animals."
• The "Cancer-Causing Convenience" All Women Should Avoid: This is something that most people would rarely ever consider, but according to researchers, women who are on birth control pills may inadvertently be misled to select less compatible long-term partners than women who aren't on the Pill… Whether or not this is of any real concern to most is debatable, but contraceptive pills may also wreak havoc in your life in more direct ways, which I'll review in a moment.
• How to Save Gas This Summer: The price of gas is high, but there are ways to get better mileage. Yahoo Autos suggests a number of gas-saving driving tactics you might not have thought of. Here are a few.
• 5 Ways to Age Gracefully and Healthfully: Everyone wants to age gracefully. But whether or not you do is largely based on your own choices.
• This Simple Drink Improved Stomach Acid in Just One Minute...: A study shows that water may be more effective than acid-inhibiting drugs in its effect on gastric pH.
• 3 Ounces of This a Day May Be Harming Your Brain: Eating wheat may not be beneficial to your health. Among many other reasons, each grain contains about one microgram of Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA). Even in small quantities, WGA can have profoundly adverse effects. It may be pro-inflammatory, immunotoxic, cardiotoxic ... and neurotoxic.
Posted at 04:00 AM in Cancer, Gardening, Health Topics in the News, Vaccinations | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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• The Price-Pottenger Story: Dental caries and deformed dental arches resulting in crowded, crooked teeth and unattractive appearance were merely a sign of physical degeneration, resulting from what he had suspected-nutritional deficiencies.
• I Strongly Recommend Avoiding These 7 Foods: Food Matters asked seven experts a simple question: “What foods do you avoid?” Here are some of their eye-opening responses.
• CDC admits flu vaccines don't work (which is why you need a new one every year):
The vaccine industry false tries to claim its vaccines work exactly the same way: They cause the body to produce antibodies against a certain viral strain. But there's something you're not being told about vaccines: They don't really produce the same quality and strength of antibodies that your own body would produce from a natural infection and recovery. That's why the vaccines "wear off" and leave you with zero protection from the very strains they inoculate you against.
• Terminal Cancer Patient Blogs His Own Death from Chemo and Radiation Hell : Derek K. Miller, a Canadian man who blogged about his battle with cancer, has died -- but not without leaving a final post-mortem message on his website, penmachine.
The post began, "Here it is. I'm dead," and went on to say, "In advance, I asked that once my body finally shut down from the punishments of my cancer, then my family and friends publish this prepared message I wrote -- the first part of the process of turning this from an active website to an archive."
• Fraudulent organics from China spell safety hazards for U.S. consumers: Three years ago, Chinese baby formula tainted with Melamine caused the death of six infants and over 300,000 serious injuries. After initially suppressing the information, the Chinese government made a grand gesture of eradicating the problem. The company was shut down. Some executives were even put to death. The epidemic, however, was not.
• Does being exposed to too much estrogen lead to high blood pressure?: Contrary to widely-held belief, sustained high levels of estrogen in women via hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is not necessarily a good thing, as the hormone can create excess amounts of superoxide compound in the brain. According to new research out of Michigan State University (MSU), buildup of superoxide leads to blockages in the areas of the brain that regulate blood pressure, which has led researchers to conclude that estrogen may be directly responsible for high blood pressure and resultant heart disease.
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Posted at 04:00 AM in Cancer, Chemo/Radiation, Health Topics in the News, Hormones, Movies/Documentaries, Vaccinations | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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